Showcasing the
Beauty of
Natural Woods

These are some of my favorite sites. Most are related to woodworking, and I don’t mind lending my support to my favorite suppliers of materials and tools. Suffice it to say, I wouldn’t list them here if I didn’t like their products and their service. I’ve also included sites that I just enjoy.

Click on a logo to open the site in a new tab.

Manufacturer of one of the finest lines of lathes and accessories, in my humble opinion.

Purveyor of quality sand paper of every conceivable variety, plus other finishing products and tools. He is also a source of advice on finishing techniques.

Manufacturer of my favorite woodturning chisels. Their cutting tools take the mystery and danger out of the woodturning process, compared to utilizing an array of traditional chisels and tricky sharpening techniques. However, finesse and imagination are still required!

My favorite source for star-gazing information. I always consulted it before a night flight. And no, it wasn’t for navigation purposes.